When I was 17 years old
a guy forced me to have sex
even though I didn’t want to.
I was raped.
It happened in the bathroom at school.
The guy who raped me
went to the same school.
I was scared to tell anyone.
I felt too ashamed.
Two days later
it almost happened again.
When he tried to lock me in,
I screamed for help.
A teacher came.
I cried and told the teacher
about the rape.
The police came and picked up the guy.
I was afraid
of what would happen.
My contact person helped me
file a report with the police.
I told the police
what had happened.
My contact person
held my hand the entire time.
A psychologist helped me
talk about what had happened.
It felt nice
to talk to someone.
After a few months
there was a trial.
I had to talk about the
rape again.
The guy who raped me was there.
He listened
but did not look at me.
I didn’t really understand everything
but they believed me.
That felt good.
Sex should always be voluntary!
If you are forced to have intercourse
that is rape.
It doesn’t matter
who raped you
or where it happened.
You always have the right to help!
If you have been raped,
report it to the police.
Tell someone
who you trust.
You can ask for help
to file a report.