A person in a doctor’s coat looks at the camera.


If you have experienced 
sexual violence 
you can report it to the police. 

Then the police may drive you 
to the hospital. 

At the hospital, a doctor 
or a nurse 
will search for traces on your body. 

For example, skin cells, 
hair or sperm. 

These traces can provide evidence 
against the person who
did this to you. 

If you are unsure 
whether you want to tell the police, 
you can still go to the hospital. 

It is good to go to the hospital 
as quickly as possible 
after the violence happened.

If you have experienced 
sexual violence 
you should not shower 
or wash yourself 
before going to the hospital. 

It is good 
for you to bring the clothing 
that you were wearing
when the assault happened.