Pablo, with a cap and mobile phone, looks into the camera.


One day, a picture 
was sent to my phone. 

The picture was of a big dick. 

I didn’t know who 
had sent it. 

I was scared. 

“Why am I receiving a picture like this 
from someone I don’t know?” 

“Does he know who I am?” 

“What does he want from me?” 

I deleted the picture quickly 
and tried 
not to think about it. 

A few days later 
I got another dick pic. 

I responded, “STOP!” 

But I kept getting more pictures. 
Both in the day and in the middle of the night. 

I didn’t want to use 
my phone anymore. 

I felt scared every time 
I received a text. 

After a while I told 
my boyfriend. 
He told the staff. 

They helped me contact the police. 

The police said that it is illegal 
to send dick pics 
to someone who doesn’t want them. 

It is as illegal 
as showing your penis 
to people on the street. 

I got help to make 
a police report. 

They also showed me how to 
keep certain people 
from being able to text or call me. 

A phone with a blocked phone number.

This is called blocking 
a phone number. 

It can feel gross 
to receive nude pictures 
that you do not want. 

You have the right to say no. 
Even on the internet and via text message! 

It is illegal 
to send nude pictures 
to someone who does not want them. 

If someone has sent 
pictures of genitals 
to you against your will, 
don’t feel ashamed. 

If someone sends 
nude pictures to you 
against your will, 
you can block their number 
on your phone. 

Tell someone you trust 
if you are feeling bad.